It says its being retired 11/19/2020, enjoy it while you can. Rip Madden 16 :(
My first mut. RIP friend
Mut 16 was my favorite Mut too :(
Are there still people playing madden 16? :D
oh wow theyre doing shut downs?
It seems only for Madden 16. Madden 25, 15, and 17 are all ahpwing no signs of shutting down. Kind of weird that they're just shutting down Madden 16.
They probably took a look at the analytics and the others have more players
Thats so unfortunate, i love Madden 16
Rip, was such a good game
Damn i was just about to buy Madden 16 too 😂
It says its being retired 11/19/2020, enjoy it while you can. Rip Madden 16 :(