I love lamar, but his ass will throw right to defense if he's touched. If guys are close to sacking him in the pocket, he will oversail the throw. He makes spectacular throws at times and other you just shake your head
IRL Lamar does the same thing. But most of his smh's are his receivers dropping the ball.
Edited by user789540
Throw out of sack SHOULD result in turnovers. I believe the patch next week will make it more likely to fumble while throwing out of a sack.
Yes turnovers should happen sometimes, but my passing stat line should NOT be 12-14 passing with 2 throw-out-of-sack INTs every other game. The ball should fall harmlessly to the ground most of the time. Not rerouted straight to a defender.
Edited by user789540
I agree it shouldn’t automatically go straight to a defender. But it has to go somewhere, and there are typically more defenders (7) in pass coverage than receivers (5) running routes. Many times when a quarterback gets hit while throwing, the ball pops straight into the air and lands five yards downfield. But this is madden, where everything is an animation and real physics don’t matter. I completely get what you’re saying. This year’s game feels like it is still in the beta phase. Or not even.
I believe there is some sort of fix to throw out of sack in the upcoming patch on the 10th, but Im not sure how/if it will affect the trajectory.
I gotta feeling instead of bogus pick 6s, it will be a scoop 'n' score problem. Keep your fingers crossed.
Most of these should be landing on the ground, not going in between two receivers and straight to a defender who is not looking. I thrown about 8 and caught about 4 of these in six games.