I tried to buy an All Pro pack three separate times and it kicked me off MUT. Something must be up.
So I finally was able to work around that. Thanks for making something so simple a pain in the ass, EA... But I digress. I didn't pull anything spectacular, but it wasn't bad in general.
I pulled ten packs and my best pull was 86 OVR Legend Seymour, 85 OVR Bettis, 84 OVR ZeDarius Smith X2, 84 OVR Humphries 83 Marino and a few lower Elites.
All in all, didn't get any amazing pulls like I've been reading, but made my coin back. I'll take it considering my pack luck isn't the greatest.
I opened a bunch and didn’t get anything above an 84. Congrats on the bo pull
CONGRATS...The pak luck that many seem to have just has never been in my favor the last 2-Madden season...But congrats to you no doubt...Enjoy...BB135...
Only 3 of my 10 were worth a damn. Last time I believe anything I read on the internet!
I pulled 5 and they were all golds each time....I gave up. Glad you had some success.
I’ve yet to get a grid pull ever however out of all the all pro packs I’ve bought with coins all available every time still haven’t lost. I’ve also bought a lot of elite packs with coins never got a grid either come to think of it. I want a single grid! 😭
yeah i got the all as well worse coin i ever spent highest pull was a 83 lol
They are nice. I pulled Jerry Rice in the 2nd round in one and 87 fletcher cox quicksell. That almost paid for opening all 10. These the only packs I'll ever open with coin
Got Mahomes and Cox out of 10 packs. These are the best packs I have ever seen in MUT. Don't get me wrong as you can still lose on them but they are the best I have ever seen none the less. Wish they would bring back the 15K regular ones....I guess they were to much fun for the player base to keep around.
Nice pull. Unfortunately, I haven’t had any luck on these. I actually have had better pulls in the twitch drops...
The only pack I've bought all 10 of with coin. They've been very nice to me lol