Yeah, sounds like this game isn't for you, man.
I’m 2-0 and don’t even know what 3 y flex means. Swear to god. I do have Lamar tho
I get about 17 wins each WL. I am nothing special but 9/10 games I never have a team close to the people I play. I played a bunch of H2H early and lost a playoff game and SB at coin flip with disconnect glitch. Won't waste my time online again.
I'm 1-0. Time to hang it up for the year!
Maybe you’re not ready for weekend league yet. You can play house rules and seasons and build up your team buddy. Weekend league is liking playing the top 5% players in the world
You basically need Donte Jackson as a spy. He can track lamar down... kinda.
Don't understand why they made him so op? Contains, conservative defense and spy does nothing
I hate it. Makes me not want to play at all. Must have to wait until an alternative comes out
I spy every Lamar game with Glover and never really seem to have any issues.
Agreed. I spy him with Mills or LaVonte or Mack or Chubb. My Mills is an 85, and none of the other guys have >85 spd. I don't understand the problems people are having?
I generally play deep center my FS or SS, and click R3/Right Thumbstick when Lamar gets out of the pocket so the spy attacks Lamar.
I think Lamar is most dangerous on Read Options, not on passing plays. But everyone's experience can vary.
Also, a lot of the Lamar players tend to roll out to the same side - a nickel blitz from that side or using the DE/OLB as a spy on that side helps a lot.
Edited by johnnyvalhalla
you’re playing against the pros... they have to play WL this year to qualify - unlike in years past. it’s gonna happen. Just keep grinding to get those wins. Get some rewards from it - and build the squad up.
Played 3 games. 3 Lamars. 3 Y-Flex spammers. Get a life. I have an 83 OVR team and im playing 88's. I want my 60 dollars back.