
To everyone who runs around holding triangle all game

Whyyyyy lmao I know yalls thumbs gotta be hurting bro lol sure yall got blisters and all that lol doesn't this get kinda tiring ? To each his own and more power to ya but jeez man. I see so many bad timing ball hawk warnings from my opponents it just makes so many random and explicit thoughts come to my head lmao and it does not help ea gives these guys like Simmons and edmunds 90 speed and 90 jump lmao ok I swear these dudes pop up out of no where every time lol gotta love it! Had to go buy Simmons to see the hype and yea he is a great user but mans is darn near dead on his own lmao kinda want my 300k back cause I like usering multiple options on the field! Any one else seeing a lot of people abusing the ball hawk timing lately ?


I hold it to ensure the player animates...I am tired of being in position just for the defender to watch the ball go right over his head.


Man I have had my opponent get that msg and get a tip drill ball caught by some random defender so many times. Its like the penalty didn't even help


People don’t have stick skills so they need the assist. I am embarrassed to say that I didn’t even know this was a thing. I’ve seen “bad timing ball hawk” a whole bunch but never got it myself so I just thought that was because my opponent kept messing up the timing of pressing the ‘catch’ button.


I literally have people get the most insane over the shoulder picks you can think of. I mean the defender won't even be looking at the ball. Back turned reaching up like he is getting his blessings from God and boop user pick lmao


Lol yea you can bro the bad timing only kicks in after you held it for like 7 seconds. But the other 5 or 6 your flying around like a bat out of hell lmao


You can't "abuse" bad timing ball hawk. Im pretty sure it abuses you.