I was just thinking about all the times EA has told us the upcoming title update would fix major flaws with the games only for it to break it even worse. So instead of doing the things they mentioned on stream today where you get 1500 coins if Russ throws for 322+ yards and 500 if he doesn’t, you should get like 15k if the title update breaks the game even worse and 500 if it actually fixes it for once. Maybe that would actually motivate them to fix things that make the game unplayable like the MUT squads QB glitch lmao
I was just thinking about all the times EA has told us the upcoming title update would fix major flaws with the games only for it to break it even worse. So instead of doing the things they mentioned on stream today where you get 1500 coins if Russ throws for 322+ yards and 500 if he doesn’t, you should get like 15k if the title update breaks the game even worse and 500 if it actually fixes it for once. Maybe that would actually motivate them to fix things that make the game unplayable like the MUT squads QB glitch lmao