I know for abilities and Chems I guess you can say yes but due to The way thresholds work some of these starts with the power up doesn’t make a difference between a 82 stat to say a 83 being it didn’t hit the” threshold “ and that number won’t have any affect anyway
so if it doesn’t hit that certain number of the threshold required what is the purpose to invest all this training other than getting one point of speed . Not to mention training is absurdly overpriced being they said abilities are Nerfed or not as powerful as last year
I know for abilities and Chems I guess you can say yes but due to The way thresholds work some of these starts with the power up doesn’t make a difference between a 82 stat to say a 83 being it didn’t hit the” threshold “ and that number won’t have any affect anyway
so if it doesn’t hit that certain number of the threshold required what is the purpose to invest all this training other than getting one point of speed . Not to mention training is absurdly overpriced being they said abilities are Nerfed or not as powerful as last year