I am playing with 83 PU RW3 and he is great. So I am sure his PU 89 is incredible.
Cam Newton 83
Always Hate his MUT cards great stats but always throws such a horrible pass when I need him the most!
I’ve also been thinking about getting him, his speed and throw power look great, but how is his accuracy? He honestly kinda looks like the Lamar I have just slightly less speed but 3 or 4 more throw power which is exactly what I want
Best QB in the game rn is Daniel Jones. 91 thp, decent speed, hits all the accuracy treasholds, field general. Will be the best QB in mut this year. take it to the bank. No bias... ;-)
I'm just rocking the 87 PU Lamar I have and will wait to run with a different QB at some future point.
With them having more retired players, I’d shit a brick if they dropped a Steve Bartkowski. Otherwise, hoping a HRM Ryan or Vick drop soon to replace Marino.
Agreed. I just want a Brees upgrade so I can give him HRM
Madden 28 you will be sat pretty with your UL Brees, just need his presnap animation in there...
haaaaaaa! thats was great. i been talking about that for at least a decade now
lol apparently he has had to stop doing that due to COVID now!
he was doing it last Sunday. he said its a anxiety thing and he doesn't even know he does it
it is, I dont think he did it vs the Buccs, at least from what I recall. must have been a hard habit to kick after 2 decades.
U can have all the qbs in the world and 90 % are still gonna go with lamar or vick until the contain actually works well ur gonna have those ppl that dont even make a read just every snap run 10 yds back and to the sideline and wait for the bad ai to breakdown
Well, there are only really two types of viable QB's. Hot Route Master pocket QB's (only Dan Marino so far) and scramblers.
I'm using 89 Lamar for the abilities I mean 250k for a 89 QB with escape and dashing this early is nice and TP is so expensive to add abilities right now
This right here, no idea how much $$$ people spend to have an entier PU squad with physicals and abilities....TP are soooo expensive
Romo will be released soon... he will be GOAT...
Wilson is probably the best in between. He doesn’t have all the ideal passing stats but he’s maneuverable enough around the pocket.
How is he haha him and Daniel Jones both honestly look pretty good im just reluctant to downgrade from an 85 to 84 at QB for the sake of OVR but both those cards look much better than the 85 Lamar I’m using
My other issue is like Lamar is fine most of the time but if like I have a receiver more than 30 yards down field that I’m trying to throw to it’s under thrown by a mile
Yup it sucks. I’ve been using mahomes for like 3 weeks he’s good and all but I’m looking for an Eagle qb to use. Mcnabb, Vick, or Cunningham
As a Vikes theme Cunningham is always my guy. I wouldn't be upset about Favre though either.
Currently using Gannon. His throwing is WAY better than Lamar was for me. He's also got plenty of mobility to not be a sitting duck. With my chem boosts he's actually pretty similar to the last few years of Luck cards. He fits my scheme perfectly and will be my guy until a better Vikes option comes along. Cunningham (personal favorite of the pack), McNabb, Culpepper I've all seen in game. I would love a Fran/Favre to change it up though.
I mean how many qbs deserve over 85 speed. Just like in real life, options will be limited. How many great scrambling qbs are there? Do you want a steve young or something with 95 speed?
QBs will always be limited by this boards explanation. Pass rush isn't op like it was last year. Marinos, Russ, Gannon all have a place to play this year.
Currently rocking with 85 KO Lamar at QB, and have 300k coins. I want a QB with decent speed that also has throw power higher than like 87/88, but if I were to upgrade at QB my only options are literally just power up Lamar which doesn’t seem worth it to me because I can’t stand using the same QB all year and training is too much of an investment right now with how few cards there are in the game. My other option would be Dan Marino, who’s throwing stats look incredible, but I couldn’t stand having a QB that literally couldn’t even outrun a 400 pound lineman. A Donovan Mcnabb/Randall Cunningham type player right now would be so nice lol