This hurts for me he being LTD. Play pack theme. Have him powered up all way already but I'll never be able to afford this card. Haven't upgraded maddensince 18, and was hoping to enjoy playing again. All this training is new to me but slowly learning it. I'm already struggling to get the totw Adams. Need to wait til I level up 3 more times to get a qs to afford the Wilson . All these LTD cards are great for ppl who want to spend a ton money on game. But for me only spending on the level packs, I ain't gonna pull anything. Only gotten a lucky elite with a NAT mine Evans and I dunno what that was even from. And had to qs him after a week cuz him catching at end of games kept freezing game. Maybe I will get some luck and get something lucky. I just wish they didn't do a high price Davante and Aaron in same week.
This hurts for me he being LTD. Play pack theme. Have him powered up all way already but I'll never be able to afford this card. Haven't upgraded maddensince 18, and was hoping to enjoy playing again. All this training is new to me but slowly learning it. I'm already struggling to get the totw Adams. Need to wait til I level up 3 more times to get a qs to afford the Wilson . All these LTD cards are great for ppl who want to spend a ton money on game. But for me only spending on the level packs, I ain't gonna pull anything. Only gotten a lucky elite with a NAT mine Evans and I dunno what that was even from. And had to qs him after a week cuz him catching at end of games kept freezing game. Maybe I will get some luck and get something lucky. I just wish they didn't do a high price Davante and Aaron in same week.