Lost a WL game because my guy intercept a pass in the end zone surrounded by people and you can't control them anymore, I try to get him to go on the ground but instead he just gets out of the endzone then get tackle back in for a safety...
Why the f"*# you can't run free with your rb either? I could have so many good runs if I wasn't getting pulled a direction opposite of where I was trying to.
You have to change his assignment to blitz, or you will get the animation for his original assignment.
Yeah, I noticed that too, but when I knew it was a run. I perfectly timed the snap, shot the gap...
My user player literally stops his forward motion, and I couldn't move him at all. He just started convulsing basically, as you said, as if a forcefield stopped me. RB plowed into line for a gain of 7... should've been a loss of 4.
It's happened more than once in other situations as well, but this one was so bad I couldn't help but laugh. Luckily, didn't cost me the game though.
Have copped this many times. Not sure what I hate more - this or game changing "Roughing the Passer" penalties when it does the opposite
I hate when you shoot the game “perfectly” and then your guy doesn’t have arms and the HB runs right by him
Are u audibleing the player to blitz, if he's assigned to a man they like...strafe, instead of running strait
Nah, usually I'm still in a zone or man and just decide to blitz..
I do remember it was for nanos.... but still... stupid
Is this why Mills does the salsa half the time when he hits the line running free?
Nano detection, was put in to help the cheese from a few years back instead of fixing blocking logic from my understanding.
pretty much just lost a game to this, but a lot of the time I will user blitz using a safety, just perfectly shooting a gap and the game does this weird thing where instead of letting you have a free run, it like jerks you back as if there's a forcefield stopping you for 1 second. But yeah, just lost a game where I timed one perfect and would've had the sack..... nope.... TD over the top where my guy doesnt jump for the pick.
That shit needs to go