From my understanding is; prior to this week, you could power up Jones to an 84 OVR. Now they added another tier to his power-up and you can power him up to an 85 OVR for the cost of extra training. The 82 is not needed anywhere in his power-up process.
Great thanks. That's what I'm understanding from how another poster explained. So I should either sell in AH or convert to training
There's 2 flashback retired 89s in the promo. There's 1 totw 89 who had a great performance. This was davante last week. There's 1 current player who had a great week in previous years who's the 90 LTD. Then they take top performers from the current week who have a power up and give them a plus one with training. There's no real card that goes into the power up. They release a bunch of lower versions of those plus one players who do not go into power ups so they have items that can be used to build the other 89s.
Yes, it's garbage. Unfortunately, it's what we have.
So what you are saying is...I didn't need to make sets to try to get his new totw? And thus I should toss up in AH? And then use 260 to take him max?
Edited by madisonmike16
If you want Aaron Jones at his best possible card, get the power up and his base elite and some training. There's nothing you need from this program.
Perfect. I already had up to tier 6. Now this card goes on AH as its TP value is way high with what he going for
Last week Davante was top overall card. I built the set to get him and added him to my fully powered up version of him. Now this week Aaron Jones is in there as an 82. I read about a plus 1 to power up. I completed a couple sets and got him. But there's no option to go up another tier on power up? I have him at tier 6 84 I've. Just need more training to go to the 85 on power up. Even his card profile here just shows 7 tiers . Am I missing something in how program works? Sorry to need help but not played since 18