Agreed. Even though there were obviously still problems, I was actually enjoying the game this year, until recently.
I think back to M19 and M20 and I remember the comments being positive when the game initially launched.....they got progressively worse once the patches were installed to the point where they respectively got termed the worst versions of Madden.
I personally think they are putting a band aide on a year by year tweaking of their copy and paste game. Once they get in season they try to make adjustments and it keeps getting worse.
They need to hire a separate team or developer and give them 3 years to develop a new engine/new game and transition in 3 years to the new version. Make sure it's done right.
Edited by boxcar31
They only care about the money for it. Been apparent since MUT 19. The game was really fun back before MUT 19, but i still like it a little. MUT 18 ia my favorite followed by MUT 20 and then 16. Hard to watch as this game falls down this hard.
Have you not learned yet that they don't care about the game, every Madden since 25 has been worse than the last
Last patch really ruined the fun of the game. Desyncs and awful servers were already bad enough
COVID-19 didnt help especially with their already lack of community involvement
This game has fallen into a death spiral over just the course of about a week. While initial bugs Certainly existed early on, the game play was undoubtably better than 20. Now over the course of about two weeks, this game has gone from agonizing to down right unplayable from the title update. Whether it’s EA running a gamut on our wallets or the fact that we’re playing a a simulation game of so the thing other than football.
This year and the high hopes we all had has come crashing down. Is it to late? Is EA really listening to all this feedback or does it all just fall somewhere in their giant piggybanks?