
EA Bans

I have noticed all the threads concerning folks getting banned the last couple of days. I myself haven’t had any issues but I was thinking that maybe EA is trying to target AH bots. I do believe like with most EA things they can’t achieve their primary objective and end up banning regular customers who aren’t breaking TOS. I also think a few of you guys crying wolf about being banned for sure made some sketchy transactions and got caught. Anyway just my 2 cents.


Some of those same people getting banned have also admitted to doing stuff that could get them banned. Some said well I did more coin transactions in previous maddens and didn't get banned. Whether people like it or not, you can get banned for transferring coins between farms, buying mhc or buying/selling coins. A lot of the people that got banned fall into one of those categories. I'm sure they have some screwups in their bans, but when we have people admitting that they transferred at least some coins or something else, I'm not sure what to believe. If you got banned without doing something that sucks, but if you have 5 farm accounts and wonder what happened, I could take a good guess.


i think the issue is that people are doing what they did in prior Maddens and now getting banned. If you do not like people buying and reselling cards, then put a 24 hour cooldown after buying a card before selling. Do not like trading between accounts then block trades. Dont ban people, COME ON MAN


I would agree that a ban without a warning seems harsh...however, I would also say that just because you been doing something for a long time without penalty don't make it OK. The "cases" I have read on this site seem to be warning worthy at worst. Now if you get a warning and do it exactly one time after that warning...then get what you get.


I don’t support people being banned.


If EA wipes my 5 mill .. pray to god for them. :)


“I myself haven’t had any issues“ Famous last words


I was scared initially as I work the AH everyday on the app and it’s how I make my coins. Im not using bots and I’m not computer savvy. I don’t think you have anything to worry about as long as you aren’t buying or selling coins you should be good.


This post is spot on and exactly my thoughts!