I use Adrian Wilson and Jeremy Chinn as sub LB, no complaints except when I gotta deal with runners only.
I go Honey Badger and Dawk at safety, Simmons and Adam’s at sub lb. it’s nasty.
I have mainly Seattle players so not the absolute best but I start Earl at FS, Adams at SS, and then Wagner and Simmons at Sub LB. In base packages I swap Simmons in for Earl a lot, and I use Nickel 3-3-5 with LT/Wagner/Simmons and then Dime I make sure it's just Simmons and use it as a pure pass coverage formation.
Mills and Simmons kill it for me as sub LB’s.
Edited by Addict856
I run Byron Jones at FS, Atwater at SS, Mathieu and Adams at sub LB. Atwater at SS really helps and frees up SS for sublb for me at least. Also got Atwaters zcv at 90 with chems so no real performance loss.
Edited by oppunion
Sub LBs come in on Dime, Nickel and Dollar sets. In your specialists tab in your configure lineup screen
I knew that, I’m just confused on who I should put where
I use Edmonds and Mills...will replace Edmonds with Junior...I prefer to true MLBs in there to help with the run.
I need a MLB since I only have mills at a 83 before chems. With the market down I may check our Seau and see where he fits on my team .
I want Seau as well. He looks good...a little slow, but even as a Sub LB he is not covering a WR on streaks. I really like nickel as there are so many good CBs having 3 on three field is nice, but folks tend to try and run if you stay in nickel...having 2 MLBs in there helps a lot against the run.
I have atwater at FS now, Lott backup. Adrian Wilson SS and Jeremy chinn backup. How do you do the sub LBs? I use giants playbook