Back field master is the same thing as HB apprentice + it gives boosted catching to the HB again LBs. Definitely go with Backfield master on Bush as it’s only 1 AP.
But imo Backfield mismatch is the best. As it gives the boosted clean cuts against routes vs LBs. The real advantage backfield master has over it is obviously the hot routes. I don’t care about “better catching against LBs as I don’t plan on throwing contested balls to my HB. With the way a lot of people play man Backfield mismatch will toast and LB.
Best solution? Get a HRM + backfield mismatch. Then you’ll have the best of both worlds lol
I have a really dumb question based on the cuts and routes vs LBs - does that also kick in when facing man coverage against a safety playing at the SubLB spot? Or only when being manned up by Mills or another coverage LB?
I was going to make a thread when looking at the abilities on bush? I went with master
Whats the difference for hot routes ?