Will lab today but im sure something else glitchy will be found
Edge threat is a must to get any pressure sending 4
Edge threat is a waste seeing 89% of people run two edge protectors it makes it useless under pressure is the way to go this year
Under pressure and edge threat
on both olbs?
There's no indication of it being "patched" they are just going to increase the AP cost.
If it's only 2 AP, the move will still be 3 Bench Presses, I believe.
I agree with you which is why I believe EA needs to move it to at least 3 perhaps 4 AP. It’s just that OP.
It’s not OP enough to be 4 AP, I played 8 WL games last night and BP was in all 5 W’s. RN if you want to screw with people you want to run zone which has its own set of flaws. My toughest challenges is when dudes are running 146/326 c2 man having those safety’s in purples or deep halves make it a little harder to run my offense.
Did that patch even come out yet?
I think so
It still cost one AP though.
Oh so today they will fix it
What you guys Rockin with? I got 2 outside LBs with QB pressure, Le with no insider, and one safety with acro
I have 3 AP to work with im thinking of just 3 more acro bats but im not sure.... what you guys doin?