

Is there a reason why I would change from the starter playbook to the base that I see in AH and store? Does increase team chems?

Playbooks don’t give chems but coaches, unis and stadiums give team chems


The base bronze cards and the gold cards are the same plays, but they do provide team chems. Currently head coaches can be givin offensive and defensive chems. If you got the training, Id just grab em from the store.

Edited by RazgrizHero222


Well I got em but there's no added chem 😢. Maybe they are like stads and unis and may get it later on? Feel like I wasted 300 tp. Oh we no biggie


I think special playbooks may be worth it but not team

Edited by NutzNBolts


Thanks!! Extra chems help!. For so cheap I'll just get in store