
How do u sub in OLBs in 46

Want my edge threats at LE/RE


I sub in Takeo spikes with Run Stuffer / Bobby Bell with No outsiders.


Packages work a little iffy. I believe the issue is having them in your normal 46 at OLB before switching to speed package. My work around has been to remove them in my 46 normal from OLB and go ahead and move em to LE / RE there. Then should have the option to switch them to LE / RE in speed package as well.


Yea i put them there before switching to speed package but then the speed package doesn't work anymore and you have MLBs instead of CBs


Ahhhh sorry I had just began messing around with 46 myself and having same issue now. Seems like depth chart once in game to move em to DE or do it in lineup screen is only way around this.


They have to be at your backup spots at the ROLB and LOLB position for you to sub them in at DE's


It doesn't work with packages. So what you need to do is put them as RRE and RLE and sub them in depth chart in game OR put them as LE and RE in your lineup.

Either way, youll have to make quite a few subs if you run any 4-3/3-4, 3-3-5 Wide, etc.

Edited by nccane9


thanks - speed package was the issue. cant have that + put them there


hit r1 while picking the play you can move your players anywhere across the field


Are you using the speed package?

If so, see this thread I made last night...

Edited by jaybird13


thanks bud


Can you use RRE and RLE? I have OLB's for those spots


I have my LOLB and ROLB at RRE and RLE but they are not in in 46 and i dont get the option to sub them

Edited by luk1887