
Let's Discuss Which Version of Console You Play

...In regards to sniping. When I'm on console I win about maybe 10% of Snipes. (For example buying Fresh players for 15k right now) When I'm on my phone it feels like I win at least double. I am on an old XBox One. Not X, Not S. I am suspicious that if I had a newer console that the card screens would load faster and I would win more auctions. Anyone test this? Discuss this? Know this already?

I'm afraid to over-use the app since it sounds like it's a bannable offense.


You get them more than me and I’m on the X or whatever the newest is. That delay When the card pops up is a killer.




You’re welcome- internet latency is everything when sniping


What's your source on this? I disagree. The time it takes to load the cards from search results, and the time it takes to select the option to buy is what is "everything". On my phone I don't have to scroll down to "buy now" which saves about 1/3 of a sec