
Best way to get 30ff with mills?

Anyone know the fastest way?


play a team builder solo user him the whole time every hit stick should be a fumble i was getting 10 a game


Just play the game normally, I already finished just playing regularly


Awesome thanks fellas


Rivals - Quarterfinals - Challengerz III

Only go for one star difficulty (easiest setting), then set your tackling to conservative and coverage to swat ball to ensure players other than you (using Mills) don't cause turnovers.

In the Nickle double-A-gap formation, manually sub Mills in at LE (just outside the RT), run mid blitz, and user Mills and try to hit stick the QB or ballcarrier. On the easiest difficulty, FFs happen pretty easily. Rinse and repeat until you get your 30 FFs. Some folks also use Punt Block 8 Up Safe Man, but use whatever works best for you.


Rivalz tryouts - La'Roi Glover. Set Mills at ROLB in game (2nd guy from the left) and user blitz using the speed rush move (right trigger on xbox) and run him towards the qb


Rivalz- quarter finals 3 - put Sam 2nd person in from the left on the line - 8 man up. User him and get a fumble sack every time


This. Put him at ROLB. Punt block 8 man. Get around the corner and fumble sack. Took me like 10 minutes.


Play on rookie arcade, Mid blitz, sub him in at DE, manual use him and sack the QB. They’ll fumble most the time.


I just used him for about 4 days and got them playing online, solo battles, and solos.