
Thoughts appreciated on this.

I play for the fun not for the competitiveness so my team I try to keep just Packers players. I prefer to only use current but the way the game goes you've got to get some of those legends or team diamonds etc. As of today adding the 81 farve as backup quarterback and the 91 Reggie using power up to get Packers chem and maxed out, I'm at 47 out of 50. Looking at the new team standouts the lazard card obviously is what I need to get. I would have to use him to replace Larry Fitzgerald instead of my 77 overall Devin funchess. I know that sounds dumb to keep a 77 but it keeps the chemistries. My only concern now is getting Martinez for MLB. I would have to get his power up in order to do it he would be replacing the rivals Smith. Because I have Mills kirksey and Burks as my other three. So what I'm torn is should I take the NAT lazard and build the Martinez so I get the power up? I actually think that's what I need to do. But would it be really worth it to spend all the training to max power him up if he's only going to be a number three position player? Basically I could power him up to light tier 3 and still have I believe it's an 85 or 86 overall . Then I could sell his player card and use that towards buying the pieces to finish off a full lazard set which then I would be able to sell his player? And then after all this settles out I still have to try to build that 92 overall favre. And I know I'm going to need training to do all this but I will have my level 51 fantasy pack pretty soon so I'll just take that 160k and just buy training unless anybody has a smarter idea. Thx for input


Anyone?? Bueller?