
Why does my qb feel faster than anyone on my team

On design QB runs with Marcus Mariota on a theme He feels so much faster than Bo Jackson with 92 speed also anybody I play on defense with 92 speed ,tyrone calico on sweep plays and he has 94 speed -yet Marcus Mariota with 90 speed just blows by everyone. The game This year I believe coded the game for qbs with speed to be this way . I’ve played more than enough games to know the difference and you can definitely see it. Also the defense becomes so stupid making it harder to tackle the QB running. They literally back pedal even though they see the quarterback running at them and there’s nobody even in the backfield.


probably acceleration


Probably to increase pocket passer usage by giving better mobility


because the speed measurement isn't and actual speed measurement, it has to do with the design of the play going against it etc....... your players will react different based on if the person is in 3-4, 4-3, nickel, dime, dollar etc. but your are absolutely correct, they clearly have turned QB's into superman, they barely ever fumble and the designed run plays are way overpowered, I can put people directly on vick & lamar at times and still can't catch them.


Proving the stats are lies


I don't even think you have to prove that, it's pretty obvious with the exchange on coverage, if speed was actually true everybody would run the fastest guy.


I play a lot of squads and have built my team this way with rewards but one thing I notice is that Eddie George with 89 speed is way way slower and noticeable to Marcus Mariota Lamar , Dak , Vick. On top of that it also dummies up your safeties not only do they back pedal but I’ve seen them freeze .


I just posted about this, this morning, I had a play in the 4th quarter where my safeties (BOTH) just didn't cover anyone at all, didn't play the zone, nothing, they just froze up basically and moved a little left to right, no coverage at all.


This game has been coded this way so that the LamarS and the viks Or any fast qb will be successful. Just look it’s that obvious


Probably because mariota is goated


Do you have escape artist on any other players? Lul smh


how many titans on your theme team?


30 some x2 tho


Yeah i agree. I have Barry Sanders and Vick on a steelers 50/50 theme team and have 32 acrobat physical chem so my guys get +3 speed and Vick cant be caught and barry gets caught quite often ive noticed. Like vick makes it looks like slowmo