
Another thing I like about this game is.....

Weak boxing these dudes who wanna sit in pass defense all game long lol.


IMO madden doesnt weak box them enough. Im tired of watching safeties shuck off my Olinemen. If my Oline gets on a. safety in needs to be a big block period.


In those guys defense. I can choose field goal block, choose run up the middle guess, and user the mlb into the middle. And someone can still break 10 tackles and run it to the end zone. Running is a little OP this year. Even getting hit sticked allows some people to stretch their arms out and get easy first downs

I don’t get why people say this, I have had maybe a couple of people I haven’t been able to stop and all I do is run 3-4 odd


Hit stick is a habit I'm trying to break this year. Just like with cover LB's they over corrected with it. Last year it was fumbles galore. This year on competitive mode fumbles are rare.


Yeah there’s not a single lb I found trustworthy in coverage this year so far. Literally no one reacts to a pass, no one even tries to jump for the interception when the ball is so low it grazes their helmet.

And don’t get me started on switching players mid play, they screwed that one up too. It’s not the closest player for me


Brooks and Bell have been amazing for me with picks. They dont make plays every time, but there are times im kinda amazed.


I hear you man. I still use Mills out of economic necessity but switching mid play usually leads to something stupid happening. I've literally clicked on to come up and make a hit in the flats and had my guy just fall down as soon as I take over like wtf?