
I finally received my EA play packs

I signee up for EA play to get the 10% discount but like many others I hadn't been receiving the EA play packs. I guess it was the update that did it because when I logged in today I had the packs I missed in my inventory. Did anyone else finally get their packs today?


Got mine today as well - bout time LOL


Apparently you can get legends out if these packs too because I got 83 Bobby Bell in my first pack. I wonder if you can get a LTD or an expensive PU card out of them


I got 85 Larry allen


yes you could i mean you would have to pick the right team but you could


I got mine as well.


Yes sir should have been 9 packs for those not getting them all this time.


Yes got mine today as well. Not sure what we can do with those but I guess we just go chiefs or rams and try to pull a tyreek or Donald to sell later. And use 75-79s for fresh cards toward the 50


cowboys and packers have a higher average price


Good point. Go for home run or for average? Tough call. Average prob wiser but I’m going big lol