
Powering up players

This is first new madden I've bought since 18 so power-ups with training is all new to me. I upgraded my core tt players as high as could for most part. From yesterday's fantasy pu I took Favre as the other had less value. I am also working on doing his 50 set. So the question I have is, with players like this, or even my new TS and such, is it worth such a huge amount of training to get all way up? Or am I better taking say my TS Lazard and adding a couple abilities?

Thx for help, just not sure the smart way to get high ovr players without spending a ton of real money. I'm not nms as I've bought the fantasy level packs and an elite, but I ain't dropping 50 on a bundle

1 point

at this point in the year, its not worth powering up players because training is still extremely valuable and a lot of powerups go for ridiculous prices so its not a smart thing to do especially if you are a nms player. im a nms player and I powerup most of my cards just because its aesthetically pleasing to me lol. but that just ends up with me wasting all my coins and training just powering up players and then I dont have enough coin to upgrade other positions. so dont power up your players yet


Thx for help. Makes sense. Before I understood training cost and all that I splurged and upgraded all my Packers. Now I have a 91 adams and 92 Reggie white. But now all these new cheap pu but cost for upgrading is nuts