EA needs to start banning these people. I'm sick and tired of this shit. People getting banned for farming accounts, fuck that! How about banning people that actually ruin the game for us all by being cheaters.
Edited by flwhitey18
Relax & let's be real & honest as much as we want EA to ban these folks we need to accept the fact that this is not going to happen unfortunately..
There are more people doing it then you can ban & we all know That unless it affects EA making $$$$ there not going to ban people..
If they ban everyone doing this there will hardly be any players left for them to proclaim there player base is at an all time high which we know is a lie but EA loves to gloat to us that it's higher then it actually is
Over 70% of the player base is likely pulling this glitch do you honestly think EA is going to ban 70% of the player base doing this heck no..
Because if they ban one doing it there going to have to ban everyone doing it & that's more money they lose if they ban all 70% of people doing it..
I don't like it anymore then you guys & i agree they should be banned for doing it but I'm also being realistic by understanding it's not even worth asking for EA to ban these people because sadly it's not gonna happen..
It sucks you wasted all that time to not get a win i understand your frustration but were gonna have to accept that these people are who they are & there the ones who will have to wake up everyday & look at themselves in the mirror & see a cheater staring back at them..
Plus its just a game & we are just going to have to accept that there are people like this out there & best thing we can do is not get bent out of shape & move on as it is what it is
I stopped playing online a month ago because of cheeses as I ain't got time for these people I'm sorry you & others have to deal with these people but Don't let it get to you as these types have a lot of growing up to do.. good luck
Edited by legionofzoom1984
Not sure his exact screen name, but something NE Razor. Heads up. Hes a real bitch! Beat him on last second field goal, he DC'd, game didn't count. He runs a Patriots team