I use 7 dbs, 2OLBs, 1DE, 1DT. I use Mays( user) and Troy P as sub LB, I use Woodson at SS, Clark at FS, with Humphreys, Deion, peters at cb. LT and dumerville as DE, Seymour and glover at DT. 50/50 ravens, 30/40 brawler, 45/50 LD. Defense plays great both man and zone. Very seldom do I blitz. My front 4 gets good pressure and I do ok against the run. I do most of my subs from the play call screen.
Edited by Nikelz81
what part of this monologue about your defense answered my question?
Edited by luk1887
Short answer is yes u can definitly sub out mills
Just have to make sure u have enough safties. In big nickel u r already starting 3 so if u have 1 as ur other sub LB and I do t have a 5th that might b why. Or if u don’t want a 5th try subbing a cb into the slot spot and then u will have a safety to put there
Yeah. Just put SSs in as your sub linebackers
so backup fs dont work as sub linebackers?
No, you have to manually sub fs's into the sub lb spot in the pause menu adjust lineup screen. I had this issue last year when the draft promo came out and I wanted to try darnell savage as a sub lb user.
aight thanks
I haven't done it this year because it uses up your one first half pause at the beginning of the game to sub him in. Need that pause in case I'm getting my butt handed to me early on in the game and concede haha
Is it possible? I cant seem to sub out Mills