
Best type of market: madden vs mlb the show

For those unfamiliar with the market in mlb the show, each item has a single listing and you can create sell orders if you have the card or buy orders if you wanted card at a given price. Only the highest buy order at a time or lowest sell order can be filled, so you can't have someone buy a card you listed at 1 million when that card is going for 10k.

Take mike trout, his card might have its lowest sell order at 300k and highest buy order at 270k. If you want the card you can buy now at 300k or try your luck with a buy order over 270k and wait until someone sells their mike trout for your order. If you exoectbthe market to go up or down, you can also list your card at let's say 305k and hope that the cards listed for less than yours sell.

How does this affect the market? Well if you need to buy 20 of the low overall the 50 players, you can quickly set up 20 buy orders and have them filled while you play a game rather than sit on the AH and snipe cards. It's also much easier to quickly sell the holds and silvers if you're ripping packs because you can quickly sell to the highest buy order.

People also can easily see the price of cards, so it's unlikely that you will be able to snipe a 60k card at 45k and you won't accidentally be able to sell your 200k card for 150 coins. Cards can still rise in price or crash quickly, but everything that sells will be in a tighter window than what happens in MUT.

Coin sellers would still be able to work if they buy out the entire market of a little sold player, but it's much harder to do if you have to buy out 50 sell orders before you can start your transfer and then have to deal with people that notice what's happening and list their own cards at inflated values to take advantage of it so EA might like a market like this from that perspective.

In my time playing both games, it's been far easier to make profits in the market in MLB, so players might like the MLB system as well. Even aside from making profits, the ability to quickly buy or sell cards in large quantities make the MLB system better for pack openers and for people trying to do sets like the 50 players or team sets. The current MUT market system made sense when cards had contracts or there were #d LTDs and each card was a little different, but now that each 90 OVR Lawrence Taylor is identical, I think the MLB market system would benefit both players and EA, so I would live if they implemented it.

If anyone has any thoughts please share them whether you play both games and have something to add to the differences and similarities, or you just want to give your opinion on the system and/or changes you'd like to see.


Too funny I was thinking of a system exactly like this, it sounds better for everyone. I like working the system we have so I hope it doesn't change 🙂


I like the community market more. I like how I can just put in a buy order for any price. Especially doing this overnight when prices are too high for my liking. I also like how you can do as many sell orders as you want and they don’t expire


I like being able to put in buy/sell orders for cards. It's especially helpful when you're trying to buy. You don't have to keep scouring the AH looking for your price.


there's no trade block in mlb right?


Correct, there is no trade block in MLB but the trade block is barely used anymore anyway


Madden AH is way better imo. The binder in mlb is better tho.


Binder for sure. I like that you can use the cards in sets and still have them to play with. The reward system for collecting is also awesome.


Mlb the show is superior in this aspect. No bs with the AH. I also like they have one currency, stubs. You can buy stubs with cash or earn them through rewards. Then use stubs to buy players or packs. Pretty sure that eliminates EAs biggest issue which is third party coin selling.


It doesn't completely eliminate coin sellers but it makes it harder and it's nice that they sell stubs directly instead of points that you use to buy packs.


I like it because you can use the currency to directly buy players you want. Instead of dropping a 100 bucks on bundle and not pulling anything worth while, you can spend 100 bucks on stubs and buy the card you want outright.


I really wish that EA would adopt the one currency idea for Madden. It works so well for MLB The Show.


mlb 100% i love their AH setup


ditto MLBs currency and AH are far superior