
Will there be an 8 player drop next week for the 50

If there moving into a new phase, will there be a new large drop of cards. Just a thought


Im thinking only 3. Solos still say 6 stars for next week and there's gonna be more weeks of them releasing the 50 cards.


doubtful. Misleading marketing is my guess.


Their marketing suggests the initial release will be several players. But the solos also suggest otherwise. I am going to go with the marketing on this one. If the solos is easy for them to update. They just push the solo updates from the dev build of the game to the live game.


No, if you look at the milestone rewards here : They only go up 6 stars each week after the first which had 16 (2 stars for the 2 challenges for each player).


Thatd be sweet but im not expecting it


If they do drop 8 + series 3 coming out. Except a HUGE market crash coming :)


Time will tell