
Xbox "Free Coins"

So i was browsing the Xbox "Looking For Posts" like I do every day, and I stumble upon this gem: "i know how to get free cards". And so to that I respond with "I'm Intrigued." So now i get a message from a guy by the name of Ue22x, saying that I have to email edit removed and say that my coins were reset and tell them how much. So i do so on a alt email, and am greeted with this golden response:

Dear Madden 21 Player,

We appreciate you reaching out to us about your concern. Making the Madden community as clean as possible is our top concern here at Electronic Bing. We hate seeing players quit our game because of problems on our end, so we help compensate by offering their in-game items back.

For confirmation purposes we would like your username, email, password, and console for the account you are trying to recover. This way we can access your account, and return the desired items back to your inventory. If you wish to get your items back this is necessary.

Everyone at EA appreciates your patience and loyalty to our game, thank you and we look forward to hear back from you.

From, EA Help Direct


Now, this is your typical auto-generated response. And as i am going back and forth with the xbox guy, they email me back, saying that his name was Joseph. And sure enough, i ask the xbox kid what his name is, and his brothers name is Joey. He sent me a picture of "his coins" and I look up "Madden 21 2 million coins" and the picture he sent is right there. Complete scam, complete scumbag, his post says thay he is 15, so c'mon kid, be better than this. I reported him to xbox for fraud.

Edit: thanks Lachry, didn't think at first when putting the email

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