
Hope y'all stop accusing ppl of DC glitching

When random disconnects. Ea's terrible servers are the reason the majority of disconnects happen


I lost two games today in the middle of the play while winning due to the server crashing. The guys both said their connection was fine as was mine.

On a side note: anyone notice how slow making adjustments is now on the “not band new” Xbox or gaming systems. I just feel that this week since the launch of the new systems my loading times are slower and players can’t adjust quickly


I've heard ppl talk about it. Honestly I've had the issue for years


The DC glitching is at the end when clock hits 0 seconds, that’s the person 100 percent. The ingame before game is 99.99 percent of the time ea and how we connect to one another. There’s no reason even with a blip in someone’s connection the game should just DC.


That's what I'm trying to get through the heads of ppl. I've heard there's an issue when east coast and west coast get matched up. Ppl have also said there's a few stadiums that lag too


The majority of disconnects are the terrible connections of players, actually.

I haven't lost connection (or lost to a DC glitch) in the last 4 weekend leagues I've played (23+ games each).

Had a grand total of two people dashboard me during card display resulting in no game.

Edited by ThermonuclearDud


I think it goes both ways but I agree servers are shit

Lol it's definitely intentional


There are certain times when it is intentional. I had a guy do it to me in House Rules last week then brag about it


Agreed. Some kid wouldn’t stop badgering me this afternoon because it happened when he was winning and he got the loss.


Been on both ends