
Did they un announce finneran

Very confused. They posted a pic then took down the tweet


I hope they bump up his speed or give him TE secondary. Otherwise unusable. Also, falcons receivers have gotten a ton of love early


TMZ reports that the EA staff that had one job has been fired.


He’ll still come out. I think they just realized the twitter community would roast it until tomorrow morning after voting to see the WR thinking it would be someone good. Champ isn’t trash so they posted him.


Soooo......, I guessed they unannounced him


My guess is it will come back with 91 speed. EA needs to sell packs.

I don't even think that card was that bad but don't they realize that 88 speed isn't really making people want the card? Why even think of releasing a card like that with 88 speed? EA should give all of us a free Finneran now for wasting everyones time as usual


Yeah! Free this! Free that! Free everything!

For all the money people spend with how atrocious the game is and their horrible servers and dc problems, they should give their customers more free cards. NBA and MLB do it, why can't Madden?

The reveal went up early. Normally they're at 8 Eastern on the dot. Maybe it's going back up at 9, maybe they forgot to re-schedule it entirely.

we will see in 1 minute lmao


This company fucking sucks


No or i would have posted it by now but looks like they are changing it.Changing stats does not take over an hour to do




Might be updating some of the attributes? 🤷


Called it lol


What is the new shrug emoji? Gender fluid?

🤷‍♂️ 🤷‍♀️ 🤷


I was wondering that to. I think it’s a he/she. I use it whenever just to throw people off.


I didn’t mean anything by it, just curious. New with the iOS update 🤷


Probably going to have all the good attributes but still be of the same stats. Or they’ll push him to tomorrow and put together someone else quickly to keep our eyes from burning


My guess is this because that card was baddddd