
Just curious has anyone seen a trailer for the next gen madden

I mean it’s supposed to drop December 4th and I haven’t seen anything wondering if there’s one out there floating around maybe that I’ve missed


Nope. It's the mythical unicorn, like Calvin Johnson and Randy Moss. Or like EA developer deadlines.


I honestly didn't think it would be any different on the PS5. Maybe just faster loading screens? Other than that, I just assumed it would be the same. (I could be wrong though...)


they've been re-running the same game with a few updates for years, you think it's going to be amazing just because a new console came out? it's the same sh*t man.


If you stare at yourself in the mirror and try to see yourself aging, you're never going to notice the difference. Take a picture of yourself every day and compare those pictures over a larger sample size, you're going to see what wasn't originally apparent. There are only so many changes that can be made year to year on a game that we can compare to something we know all too well IRL. This isn't a sci-fi game that knows no bounds when it comes to artistic expression and creativity when designing a game. It's a football game.


Nice bruh!


Agreed but still what does that have to do with advertising it


advertise it for what? most people that play already have the game. it's not like it will be a huge influx of new customers.


There was an EA trailer for next gen a few months ago, just a few shots of FIFA and Madden in it. Very lack luster. The game is only 3 weeks away, you think they'd hype it up a bit? But it's probably a flaming bag of dogshit, hence no trailers/screenshots. Next gen NBA 2k21 had trailers, screenshots, and developer videos playing the game showing it off

Edited by flwhitey18


So there’s nothing? Wow - New gen console and we are in football season and not one trailer .


Nah. it dont exist. I booted up ps4 version cause the ps5 version gonna look the same.