I really hope they stop with this legend LTD nonsense. I get it puts money in their pockets, but damn let us have guys that we don’t have to pay 40k training for. Hoping for Payton right off the bat, or some legends that are LTDs now so we get a chance to get the with TP.
I’d have to disagree, I think LTDs are easier to pull this year. I’ve pulled 3 so far. 2 in the last 2 weeks.
Limited are usually the biggest fan favorites. Allows everyone the option to get them cheaper with training if you power up the favorites. More coins sunk for EA with fan favorite ltds.
Quote from nicksr84 >> I just want Andre reed n I hope he won't be a Ltd. Think demsrcus Lawrence is the only guy with 2 Ltd's
Na his 95 is a set card. Dnt think there has been a card with 2 ltds this yr. Unless you count the Snow beast
I just want Andre reed n I hope he won't be a Ltd. Think demsrcus Lawrence is the only guy with 2 Ltd's
Actually limited legends cost them money. To this point those cards are useless to big ballers because no physical chem slot. They would have made much more cash fixing that, but they didn't.
Last year the LTDs were way easier to come by. This year they took that word limited to a extreme. Seems like maybe 2-300 each, if that
I wouldnt mind more opportunities at getting nat Ltds like toty or ULs if they are Ltds. I'd just like to be able to add a token and the nat to a 1 time reroll set
But are people really making that much more than last year? Seeing card values are way higher than last year?
Lots of LTMs but the market is stable. I’m just gonna keep making my coins and keep it movin
I tend to agree with the OP... after all the LTD's for Playoffs, Primetime Performers, Super Bowl and now Honors, just a lot of LTD fatigue.
Training points is def keeping the market up. Hell, by this time last year 90s were 20-30k so atleast you get to see some coin out of what you may pull in a pack that isn’t top rated. Also, wasn’t hoping for LTD Payton, just saying was hoping he is one of the first ones. I think they do all the guys with no power up first, maybe
Ltds keep the market from crashing. It's easier to make easy money flipping cards in a stable marketplace. I've made over 18m coins and I didnt start playing until the week before xmas. A stable auction house makes no money spent easy.
Quote from mjutton1 >> I really hope they stop with this legend LTD nonsense. I get it puts money in their pockets, but damn let us have guys that we don’t have to pay 40k training for. Hoping for Payton right off the bat, or some legends that are LTDs now so we get a chance to get the with TP.
If Payton gets the ltd card he wont be able to be PU since he has no PUs
I really hope they stop with this legend LTD nonsense. I get it puts money in their pockets, but damn let us have guys that we don’t have to pay 40k training for. Hoping for Payton right off the bat, or some legends that are LTDs now so we get a chance to get the with TP.