
Improvisers are just bad

Played a couple weekend league games with romo and just cant take it anymore. The card is bad and will be until he can get gunslinger. Dude has 98 throw power and cant throw the ball 40 yards without cocking his arm. Gonna go right back to favre now because that archetype just kills his ability to be great.


I told people about this 2 months ago but everyone said get good and use a pocket QBs like Allen with gunslinger. People are delusional because gunslinger makes the passing game 1000000 times easier


100% and goes to show that the stats really dont matter


At some point Mahomes who’s improviser will get at least gunslinger if not HRM


Same with romo but i dont really need hrm. I run slot apprentice on amari c and that is the only guy i need to hot route ever


Yea the ability system could be nice, but it's never been balanced. Improvisers are just the worst choice right a wide margain


Problem is ea got his release all wrong. Romo never cocked his arm the way he does in this game to throw. He primarily threw from a side arm throw position which was a flick of the wrist. In this game he throws like a 5 year old child throwing a football to his dad.


It sucks. I wanted to be a Romo believer as a cowboys fan but didn’t happen. It’s unfortunate. His release was much better in real life

Edited by joshpointohh


Yup way faster in real life and his set feet throws were crazy. EA just really dropped the ball on this one i hope troy aikman is a strong arm qb

Edited by fiyaman93


i told you on ps bro lol


I know man. My heart got in the way of logical thinking