
Would anyone be interested in coin making post?

Or are there already to many of those here? I am NMS and have a decent coin stack and wondered if people might like a few tips about what has been working for me?


Ok all here the link to the post if you're interested:


Does this include checking the price on low elites and mimicking coin buyers prices for millions of coins hoping that the sellers make the mistake and you steal their coins 😂


Lol no but I've seen people try that. No these are legit things that won't involve anything shady or violate TOS


Hi man! Very generous of you. I will certainly benefit from those methods since I got the game last week and need to catch up. Don’t want to spend my credit card into it. Obviously it’s up to you the way you share the information, the more public it is, the greater the chance of it being nerfed by EA, or simply by supply and demand economics.


Great welcome to MUT! I'll post these tips up in just a bit after I get off work. As a new player be sure to do your daily mission everyday for some free coins and level up as soon as you can. The BIG CATS solo in the Burnt Turkey will get you leveled up quick. 220 xp per run will get you max level in no time.


Thanks for the tip on this solo, my man, will be definitely very helpful. Actually I’m not new to MUT, I’ve been an old warrior since Madden 17. Just started late this year so any recommendation will be valuable for me to catch up with high overall teams. Cheers!




Definitely interested


Would love to see what you got brewing. I have posted some methods in the past. I have made close to probably 20 mil so far this year doing coin methods.


Yeah I am always interested in those


Ok I'll put together some thoughts and post something later on today. Just for reference, I haven't spent a dime on packs nor have I ever bought coins, but using pretty simple methods that anyone can do any time i have built up just over 5 million coins. I know there are plenty of people with bigger stacks but having a few million coins definitely makes life a little easier. I don't rely on farm accounts or anything that violates TOS. These tips won't be about buying packs,, no exploits or shady tricks. I think making coins this year is easier than it's ever been and I'd enjoy passing on some things that have made the game more accessible and honestly more fun. Hope you'll check it out when I get it posted.

Edited by utahhawk801


Thank you for sharing...good character that you want to help many and not just keep to yourself...


Please don't post. It takes away all the profit, until enough ppl give up on the method. Keep em to yourself or a small group.

Case in point GutFoxx tells his minions to reroll for leaves and put the cards into 86 OVR Team Builders. Suddenly the prices of those things go from 45k to ppl undercutting each other down to 22k.

Loose lips sink ships!


Enough virtual coins for everyone to eat...OP noted "simple methods" so I would suspect there will be no secrets... community is wonderful at supporting and not holding others back.


Too wonderful.


Yes, except it is „buy 10000000 gap packs and put everything into sets“


Lol I see that one all the time. I don't like any coin methods that rely on luck.

Edited by utahhawk801


Luck has nothing to do with it. In volume, you can't lose.


Make it happen 🤣


Everyone likes a good coin making post...drop it on us