I’ve often thought of writing up a tip post like this from how I build up my coin stack, but never got around to it. Other than calling it flipping instead of sniping, your post points out all the things I would have mentioned. I’m sure it will help people. Nicely done.
Would you recommend selling a few cards, such as Legends or the 50 players now or early tomorrow?
Sorry I didn't notice this until now. Yeah I sold all by binder stuff off. I would recommend doing that before all the big promos and whenever we're about to get a new series. Anytime big pack openings are coming, it's a good time to sell.
How do u take advantage of the upcoming blitz promo?
And if I find a specific method that's repeatable I'll be sure to post it here.
There is going to be a huge flood of cards on the auction block tomorrow which means prices are going to drop. Buy up some cheap cards tomorrow and sell later in the week. It will also be a fantastic time to buy cards for training. Training will be super cheap tomorrow.
Thanks! Already made 100k coins w TOTW cards today!
That's great man! Keep it up! Now that you know that trick you can apply it to any promo and set! You're on your way to millions of coins and that God Squad!
Gonna be a dumb question...never did this before but have a true NMS team and don’t want to ‘buy’ coins. How did u ‘get’ the Hill TOTW card? Just bought from the auction house?
Exactly! I just watched his price for a couple mins to see what his max selling price was. You can do this by checking recent sales in the app, or by looking at his card through the TOTW set. This will tell you how much you can actually get for a particular card. Then just refresh the auction block and buy his card and resell and repeat. I was making about 2k per flip, but doing it over and over again and the cards resell super fast. This is just one example. Every Tuesday you can do it with the new TOTW cards, same with the new The 50 pieces (the 83 OVR that go into the sets), Legends pieces every Saturday, etc. Hit me up if you have any other questions.
To hitch-hike off of Utah...this can be done with any cards that are in packs currently and eventually the packs expire. The 83 OVR 50 players as another example. When the packs come out those cards drop to 16k (you can get snipes for 13k-14k) and when the packs aren't in stores those cards go up to 20k+. You just have to buy the cards when they are in packs and sell when the packs aren't available.
Great example today of following the promos. Made over 200k just flipping Taysom Hill TOTW card in about an hour. Was at work so I didn't have time for more, but these promos are a gold mine.
I as well hunt the 10k profit margin... sitting on 94 OVR team with all chems, etc, even the backups are 90+. And 6.5 mil in the bank. All NMS, just purely having more fun and time on the app then time played in the game.
Lol same here! I've grown to enjoy the coin making more than grinding solos for sure.
Well said. I started by flipping cards with 2k margins; now I don't touch anything with less than 10k. All depends on your coin stack obviously. Those 20 auction block slots are your most valuable resource. The cards either have to have the margin or the sell-through to be worth it. (I'll flip cards all day for 2k if they will sell in 5 minutes.)
Everyone talks about "buy days" and "sell days" but really it's down to hours. For example you can buy so many cards below their training value on Saturday morning, and by Saturday night you can flip for 30% more than you paid.
Great info...I would add...GAP (500 coin pack). Now up front...the GAP method can be painfully slow...this morning as an example I bought 100 of them (50k spent). I put nothing in the exchange and sold everything on the AH. Last auctions are closing out now...when complete in a few minutes I will have gotten back over 110k...that will be a 60k profit for letting the AH do the work. Yes you have to go in every hour and list 20 cards which takes about 5 minutes or so...but after that you just sit back and wait. I do this a couple times a week just to have stuff out there moving. Another easy low risk method is the free Twitch packs...I do the same thing with them...I put nothing in the exchange and sell them all on the AH. A Twitch back will bring you 3k minimum...on average maybe 5k...you can get 2-5(ish) per day just for logging on and letting it run in the background. I do the buy on Saturday sell during the week method OP outlined as well. I always take the coin vs the pack on rewards...always...I always buy the All Pro Packs (coin not money)...I almost never put anything in exchange sets (with the exceptions of NATs...I put all of them in exchange sets). Slow and steady is a safe productive way to score some coin. Good luck all.
Thank you! Excellent info yourself! Those GAP packs still keep paying off. And I might add, use the companion app to post, it's really fast and you can post dupes with a single post. And the All Pro Fantasy packs are fantastic. I buy them every time they refresh.
Hey all!
Here are a few tips that have helped me make a pretty decent coin stack fairly easily in just my spare time. These are fairly vague only due to the fact that prices are constantly changing and new cards and promos are always being introduced to the game, but the principles are valid all year long when applied to whichever content is current.
My first tip is that I recommend that you not waste too much of your time chasing the home run. They are too few and far between to make it an efficient use of your time. Instead, find something that pays consistently and grind that. I usually look for repeatable methods that bring in 1 to 2k pretty quickly and do those as often as i can. It might not sound like much but high volume and quick turn around can easily net you 100k or more an hour. And I get those kind of numbers frequently throughout the week with each new phase of the promos.
Always in MUT in my opinion, the best and safest way to make coins will always be to "flip" cards. Buy low and sell high. That's an obvious statement, but the trick is always to find which cards you can flip. The following tips will help you figure out which classes of cards to do that with.
First, set pieces will always be profitable. Set pieces are the cards that go into sets to make better cards. The trick is to understand how much you can sell cards for. Because so many players either don't know how to filter the auction house properly or are just not taking the time, you will always see set pieces that sell even though they aren't the cheapest cards available. Using this method, YOUR cards are going to sell even though there are cheaper cards on the block. When sniping sets pieces, go into the set itself and click the little magnifying glass for whichever cards you're looking for. This search tool inside the sets doesn't filter the cards down. It shows the 100 auctions that are closest to closing. People regularly buy through this tool and are overpaying. Take advantage of this. Go into the AH and buy your cards cheap, and sell for the price that they go for unfiltered. I've made millions just understanding this little trick.
Cards are cheapest when packs are in the store and when people are ripping a lot of packs. The market gets flooded with cards so the prices drop. Later on in the week, those same cards will rise in price. Take advantage. For example, Legends drop on Saturdays and their prices plummet. Mid week, they go back up as the supply dwindles.
Follow the promos. They always introduce new cards, so people are ripping a ton of packs. At the beginning of each promo, and the beginning of each new phase or week of a promo, the prices are very volatile. Meaning the range of prices for any given card will be huge. This is a gold mine. Use the companion app to see what the max prices these cards are selling for consistently and pick up your snipes. For example, every Friday we get new The 50 cards. The market gets flooded with the cards and the prices are all over the place so there's a lot of room in the pricing for profit. It's just a ton of free coins every week.
I hope this is some useful info. Again, it's intentionally vague so that you can use the concepts throughout the year instead of something that will be useless in a day or 2. Please feel free to post your own tips or any questions. I feel like there are so many coins to be made, we can all get MUT rich this year. Good luck and make some coins!