So what happens to all the orphaned blitz tickets?
This promo has been confusing from the start... I honestly don’t understand how people figured any of it out. Good on you. So you can’t make tickets, and to get enough tickets to use seems to be $100 venture, to get a card you might not want. What happens to all the unused tickets? Has EA said? Can they legally NOT say? Combine it with the “thanksgiving” promo and this is the most baffling time in MUT that I can recall. I’m not talking “no money spent” I’m taking “I want to give you my money but you make it impossible for me to do so.”
This promo has been confusing from the start... I honestly don’t understand how people figured any of it out. Good on you. So you can’t make tickets, and to get enough tickets to use seems to be $100 venture, to get a card you might not want. What happens to all the unused tickets? Has EA said? Can they legally NOT say? Combine it with the “thanksgiving” promo and this is the most baffling time in MUT that I can recall. I’m not talking “no money spent” I’m taking “I want to give you my money but you make it impossible for me to do so.”