
Solo battles question

Does everyone get the same set of solo battle opponents, or does it vary depending on you team strength and OVR?

For example, in the set today I have the featured challenge 89 and two 90 opponents and two weak opponents.

Thanks in advance!


Each console has a unique set of opponents. PS4 has a different set of opponents than XBox but all PS4 players have the same ones.


Yeah everyone gets the same opponents.


Thank you


Yes I think so. I have those opponents also and they were trash, easy Ws


How do you defend the 90’s?


Pinch buck 0 3-4 odd is the literary the only play i call on defense in solo bottles just shoot up the gap with Shazier for Instant sacks. If i dont get a sack its usually an incomplete pass. Only need to stop them once then chew out the clock before i score. I run ISO over and over with Bettis out of Iform H close Dallas offense. Occasionally ill use levels sail or an RPO run to change it up. Obviously i dont care about top 100 just Legend and want it over ASAP lol.


I will try your defense, thx


I can’t beat anything over 88 no matter how hard I try: and I am nearly 94 ovr. This game blows


My Eagles TT is a 93 ovr and I win every game usually without the opponent scoring. I have certain plays in my playbook that work almost every down and just pour on points and the opponent AI will start making mistakes throwing INTs.


Damn I wish I could get the cpu to throw frequent picks! Usually what happens to me during these games is the cpu makes one or two crucial plays on D that hoses my drives. The higher the opp the more frequent I have these issues.