
Anyone else aware that EA......Nerfs Cards

I remember back when I started playing one of the fun things was to test all cards to see who played well. Sometimes even low cards played like they were higher. It was so cool to find one that was a gem. Those days are over, because what EA does now is put out cards that play great for a week or two then flaws start becoming clear. Lamar was the first. I stopped using him after 2 weeks after he started off great.


You see EA wants us to keep buying new cards that come out. It's really sad. Gmias from GmiasWorld talks about it all the time. I think they will not stop this bs until we make it clear we are aware of it and will not accept this crap.


This is just as much of a delusional hallucination as DDA.


Np bro, your entitled to your opinion no matter how clueless it is. Stay supporting EA :)


Nah......a billion dollar company can and will do anything to keep making money lol

