It is just unbelievable how hard ea tries to not give us a card. Savage had 2 picks nothing. Preston returned a fumble for a td no plus 1. In what world does Jimme Ward need a card. CUZ HES A NINER. Why does ea love them so much. They fucking suck ass. Aaron Rodgers no plus 1 maybe not this week but it is just mind blowing he hasn't even gotten an upgrade. I swear ea tries so hard not to give us a card.
It is just unbelievable how hard ea tries to not give us a card. Savage had 2 picks nothing. Preston returned a fumble for a td no plus 1. In what world does Jimme Ward need a card. CUZ HES A NINER. Why does ea love them so much. They fucking suck ass. Aaron Rodgers no plus 1 maybe not this week but it is just mind blowing he hasn't even gotten an upgrade. I swear ea tries so hard not to give us a card.