There’s a thread somewhere here that outlines it, I haven’t searched it myself but give it a try. X3 is 92 or 93 and X4 is 97 or 98
Just to clarify, I know these will probably only have one scheme slot, but I’d like to know if the schemes are 1x 2x etc.
I have no clue. I still have 2 solo sets to play. I'll see if I pull one and I'll let you know What you see is what you get. 89 CJJ only has one slot.
do these 87/88 out of position players have 1x, 2x or what scheme values?
(For example, does Sean Taylor hb 88 have 1x or 2x power run scheme??).
is there a way to look this up? This sort of detailed scheme info doesn’t look to be in the player database on this site...