
I can't stand weekend league anymore

I just really can't even anymore with this game. No matter if it's h2h seasons or Weekend League, my opponent always plays better than me. Their Receivers outrun my 97 OVR Corners, and my Receivers get man pressed into the ground and I get sacked instantly. Every week I grow more and more tired of this game, and each week I get more and more upset and frustrated at every single person that I play because no matter what I do, they always outplay me, no matter what they run on offense. I bet you that they could have their eyes closed and still beat me. I am just extremely upset in myself for allowing me to get so bad at the game that I once loved. It's only a matter of time until my last day of Madden arrives. I don't want it to end, but it might have to. And I'm sorry to say it but some people always trash on me for complaining about this game and my lack of "skill" and it is those people that make me feel not welcome on this site or even in Madden. All of the toxicity and competitiveness has ruined this game to the point of no return. I'm sorry that this has to be said, but if it isn't then what is going to change? Hate me all you want, I am not going to change. All I am saying is to be less toxic, find your own scheme, not someone else's, and overall just be a better person to each other. No messaging the other player "Trash" or "Haha you suck" because you don't know how hard that they have worked to get where they are and you saying that could ruin their game, as have many done to me. This started out as a rant thread, but now it is an inspirational thread.

Be good people everyone, God bless.

Edit: Here's the team that I have right now. I have 320k but I am always extremely poor and typically have less than 50k at all times. I sold Champ Bailey earlier today. Please be respectful to my trash team.

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