
So no new archetypes ?

Pretty sure they had a long list in the deep dive of the new kinds of archetypes. Just wondering if any one has seen them, if you think they will just get patches in later, or basically don't hold my breath which has kinda been the trend for EA this year.

*Unique player movement per archetype, with each captured across multiple body types:

Ball Carrier: Agile, Agile Small, Agile Tall, Bruiser, Bruiser Quick, Bruiser Heavy Route Runners: WR, RB, TE split up between Agile, Agile Small, Agile Tall, Bruiser, Bruiser Quick, Bruiser Heavy Pass Block movement for OL’s

  • not seeing this at all. Kinda seems like they just threw some words on paper 🤣 hopefully it comes later in a patch. But the fact that it isn't here day 1 and they already pushed the next gen release back months......for this..... thats a bad look EA. Thoughts?

Those are a different type of archetype, "locomotion" archetypes. As usual, EA botches its use of terminology in confusing ways (look at how many people have eternally been confused about "superstar X-factors" vs. "Superstar abilities."

All of the archetypes you list are ALREADY in the game. They cause players to move differently based on height and weight. They just aren't listed on cards/Muthead - you have to cross-reference the thresholds listed in the EA Gridiron notes with a player's height and weight.

This Zan video covers some of these differences:


Lol wow no wonder. Yea you would think EA hires pre schoolers to do their descriptions smh. Thank you sir !


You know they MIGHT be listed for current players if you go to edit a player in franchise, I just haven't looked for them (the same way that's the only place in the game you can see a QB's release type).


Halfway through the video and all I can say is WOW. Some one needs to tell the NFL to drop these mfers 😤