
I have a lot to say about Team Diamonds Right Now

With Jimbo Covert coming tomorrow, it's safe to say we are going to see these Team Diamond players get recycled into other programs. Fine by me, I consider myself an expert on the Diamond collection. I made my bones gouging everyone for the rarest golds 3 months ago. I wanted to pass along several PSAs:

First check your binders for core Bears players. I'm assuming Jimbo will be expensive for a short time just like Mo Lewis last week. The Bears you'll want to sell Saturday afternoon are especially 80 Goldman, 77 Massie, 74 Ifedi, 73? Harris and 70s Shaheen and Robertson-Harris. Shaheen could hit 15k if this plays out like the early days of this year.

I'm also thinking- I'd love some feedback in this idea- now might be a good time to start doing these Diamond sets as they re-release these guys. Barry is essentially confirmed for The 50 right? So when they release a new Barry his 93 will be in PU path? Just sayin'

Profit off these Diamonds now, profit off Barry in 2 months? IDK

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