Decided to start building him 3 weeks ago to help clean out binder space for Christmas Promo and had a good amount of the cards I needed. Ended up building him for 995,568
Sold Barry right way for 700k (630k after tax)
All other players, didn’t sell unless I could get back at least 30k after tax for them made me an end profit of 689,265.
Yes I could’ve waited for some to get Legends cards potentially, but played the safe game and sold when I felt like I could get an appropriate price.
Decided to start building him 3 weeks ago to help clean out binder space for Christmas Promo and had a good amount of the cards I needed. Ended up building him for 995,568
Sold Barry right way for 700k (630k after tax) All other players, didn’t sell unless I could get back at least 30k after tax for them made me an end profit of 689,265.
Yes I could’ve waited for some to get Legends cards potentially, but played the safe game and sold when I felt like I could get an appropriate price.