Oh man if I worked at EA the game would so much better. They should hire me. I have at least 7 new promo ideas, and I could design card art, sets, player releases, etc. You name it, I can do it. And I would actually listen to the community unlike them and take in thoughts and ideas
Edited by m1k3y6i2
I don't think they're necessarily given all of the creative freedom they want from the big wigs. We could all make this game a million times better with wild ideas, but would it make the company money? Who knows.
I think they stopped after the backlash they receiver when everyone thought an egg was Ronnie Lott and it ended up being garbage LOL. Plus the good presents(XL) don’t tell u what’s in it other than says a unique player
Imagine if you were able to design the whole program: from gifts, to players, to events, etc..
I remember back in 2015ish when the presents had clues (remember the 49ers handbag?) on them and everyone on the forum would be guessing what it was until the present opened. Now, they literally tell you what each gift is. Completely ruins all the fun for me - I haven't played MUT since 2015, and boy am I sad to see how lazy they got with the presents. Went from presents with clues to "small, medium, large" and the description tells you what it is LOL
I would bet there are 1,000s of forum members who would create a better program, and probably would do it for free.