Before you read this, just downvote this thread, because I know by the content of it you will because some of you love to give me crap because I suck at the game.
Done? Good
Okay, so a rant thread again because I'm getting to the point where this game is getting me down all the time. I've been told to take a break, but if I do I will be even father behind all of you amazing players.
I will start this off by saying that I can't win games. Anything that I run on defense gets destroyed, and when I run what they are running against the same defense, I get bagged. I've ran man coverage, slants destroy it. I have 5 Acrobats, and all they do is dive to the ball, but miss and allow a large gain. I am 1-3 in a Veteran season where I have put up 29 points all season, allowing 49 total. I've gotten to the point where every game that I play, the opponent always has the best team and the newest cards, and they all play amazing over the cards that I have had for a few months now. I average 3 Interceptions a game, 2 of which are usually returned for touchdowns.
Which brings me to my next point, which has been getting me down for months now: coins. I've played the market, I've done hundreds of sets, I've done Get-A-Player, I've spent money. Nothing works. Playing the market is a sham and does not work. It is crazy to me how all of you guys have millions and millions of coins and the best team. It hurts to see really, knowing that I will never get there. All of you No Money Spent guys who have millions and a better team than me, how? I'm just getting to the point where I may actually stop playing this year for good, as everyone that I lose to calls me trash, some of you call me trash, "get good", "play the market", "it's so easy to make coins this year bro". Not for me it isn't. No matter what anyone tells me, I can't learn. I used to really like coming here to talk about the game that I loved, but now everyone is so toxic and makes me feel terrible, as everyone is better than me.
I finally have a theme team, and it's been my favorite team for years now, but I can't even win with players from my favorite team because of the people who have all the best cards, which I play against every game. I feel that this game is slowly pressing me to the point where I will just say enough, and quit and never look back. I'm very passionate about this game and it is what I love, but I can't help it getting me down all the time.
Also about Muthead as a whole, there are a lot of amazing members around here who are amazing people, but there are also a lot who strongly dislike me, and some that may even hate me. The lack of positivity around here and all the toxicity has almost ruined this once great site to the point of no return.
EA's bans recently have effectively ruined the MHC market, which was a main source of income for me last year. And nobody wants to trade items on the current game, as they are afraid of getting banned, so traders like me with a lot of items on older games get screwed a little.
Writing this has made me feel a little better, but the time will come where it will be the end of my journey in Madden. I pray that it does not come soon.
Before you read this, just downvote this thread, because I know by the content of it you will because some of you love to give me crap because I suck at the game.
Done? Good
Okay, so a rant thread again because I'm getting to the point where this game is getting me down all the time. I've been told to take a break, but if I do I will be even father behind all of you amazing players.
I will start this off by saying that I can't win games. Anything that I run on defense gets destroyed, and when I run what they are running against the same defense, I get bagged. I've ran man coverage, slants destroy it. I have 5 Acrobats, and all they do is dive to the ball, but miss and allow a large gain. I am 1-3 in a Veteran season where I have put up 29 points all season, allowing 49 total. I've gotten to the point where every game that I play, the opponent always has the best team and the newest cards, and they all play amazing over the cards that I have had for a few months now. I average 3 Interceptions a game, 2 of which are usually returned for touchdowns.
Which brings me to my next point, which has been getting me down for months now: coins. I've played the market, I've done hundreds of sets, I've done Get-A-Player, I've spent money. Nothing works. Playing the market is a sham and does not work. It is crazy to me how all of you guys have millions and millions of coins and the best team. It hurts to see really, knowing that I will never get there. All of you No Money Spent guys who have millions and a better team than me, how? I'm just getting to the point where I may actually stop playing this year for good, as everyone that I lose to calls me trash, some of you call me trash, "get good", "play the market", "it's so easy to make coins this year bro". Not for me it isn't. No matter what anyone tells me, I can't learn. I used to really like coming here to talk about the game that I loved, but now everyone is so toxic and makes me feel terrible, as everyone is better than me.
I finally have a theme team, and it's been my favorite team for years now, but I can't even win with players from my favorite team because of the people who have all the best cards, which I play against every game. I feel that this game is slowly pressing me to the point where I will just say enough, and quit and never look back. I'm very passionate about this game and it is what I love, but I can't help it getting me down all the time.
Also about Muthead as a whole, there are a lot of amazing members around here who are amazing people, but there are also a lot who strongly dislike me, and some that may even hate me. The lack of positivity around here and all the toxicity has almost ruined this once great site to the point of no return.
EA's bans recently have effectively ruined the MHC market, which was a main source of income for me last year. And nobody wants to trade items on the current game, as they are afraid of getting banned, so traders like me with a lot of items on older games get screwed a little.
Writing this has made me feel a little better, but the time will come where it will be the end of my journey in Madden. I pray that it does not come soon.
Don't feel bad, you're not supposed to.
You guys all know what you're doing.