
Worst X-Mas promo of all time. Long time player

I have been playing MUT since Madden 11 and I know most people here haven't been playing that long and don't care but this is hands down the worst Christmas promo they have ever done. The gifts are total poop and are impossible to get. I loved this promo when you got clues on the gifts there were dozens of different ones that they released multiple times through the promo, even Ltd gifts. The 1st year they did it you could trade gifts and that was awesome. No reason we shouldn't be able to still but with only 1 L 1 M 1 S it's pointless anyway. Just a lazy job this year and with the pandemic you think they would have had time to come up with some good ideas and treat us for staying loyal. Throw us 1 bone all year. You bleed us dry all year every year this is the season for giving and we get a big ball of shit. Thanks EA

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