Posted by dannynesher77 dannynesher774 years ago

I'm just looking for some sympathy...

So its Christmas during one of the most difficult years ever. I live in Europe, my country is locked down. My marriage ended and I lost my job. I dont have a lot to look forward to. One of my brightspots was definetly MUT. I have 4.5 mio coins, 15 large and 6 XL gifts. Was so looking forward to open my presents tomorrow. But two days ago Sony disabled my account due insuficiant funds on my account. I settled it and Sony said they will enable my account but its taking forever. So basically I now spend Christmas alone and cant even play the game I love. I feel so defeated. Super frustrated with the service level Sony provides. I know, its a first world problem and so many people suffer a lot more right now but this is really hard for me.

I hope you are all having better holidays. Be blessed everyone.


Thoughts are with you friend, I have been there to some extent. Tomorrow will be better.

Hang in there. God bless

1 point

Im sorry man. Send my blessings and good energy to you! Thoughts will create your reality. So have some uplifting positive thoughts and surround yourself with good energy and people and goodthings are sure to come your way. Stay blessed brother.

7 points

Send me your info and I will send you a video of me chugging a beer over any song of your choice.

A game of Edward 40 hands to the soundtrack from “nightmare before Christmas”?


up vote


X2 I'm in


To live is to suffer. But it is in the lowest of moments when you find yourself and what really matters. And without true suffering you can never really know true joy. Life and the universe are more balanced than it may initially appear, you can count on that.

I have been at some pretty dark lows in my past and those lead me to be the person I am today. I am happily remarried, 5 years sober, a home owners and deep into the career of my dreams. I’m sorry to hear you are going through it my man. Things will get better. Try and surround yourself with people that lift you up and things that make you happy. All the best brother.


Sorry to hear all of that man, keep your hopes high and change will come. If you’re looking for a short-term time-killer to replace the PS5 while that’s in limbo, check out CK3 on Steam. Pretty mild requirements so it shouldn’t take a high-end PC to run. Might be a silly suggestion but I can imagine having no access to your games would be a bummer. Good luck with everything brotha


Sorry to hear that. I'd bombard the shit out of Sony, if I were you. Just keep bothering them until they enable your account. Call, tweet, text, whatever. If you can still buy/play other games, there's some pretty good stuff out there right now (Cyberpunk, Valhalla..). When crap like this happens over the holidays it just makes every bad thing feel ten times worse, so I'm sorry you're going through this with your marriage. It will get better, man.


Everything will be ok. Trust me. Roll with the punches brother. I wish you strength in your struggle.


Sorry to hear man. Hopefully you have another game to dive into until your MUT account is back up. I can't relate to the marriage and job end of it, but we all know it's nice to have video games to relieve stress.

I had something similar happen earlier this year with Sony disputes, and ended up balls deep in Fallout 4 (one of my favorite games of all time). By the time my Mut account was back , I had to pry myself away from Fallout. (Took roughly one week from the day I paid my Playstation Store balance.)


Just do what I did and quit. I find that I have way to much time now. Which is crazy, because I felt like I had no free time before. Made me realize how much time and money I truly spend on this game. Finding other forms of enjoyment. I also found I am less "addicted" to other games. So I may play like 30 minutes of Cyberpunk or Assassins Creed and hop off if I have time to kill.


Merry Christmas...things will get better


try tweeting sony - sometimes that moves things faster. good luck bro


keep your head up. ended a 5 year relationship last year right before was about to propose. things get better it just takes time


Chin up bro - things will get better

Cheers man. It gets better. Happy holidays